Finance | Training

Training: strategic seminar on mining taxation in Africa

Training on mining taxation in Africa for finance ministry officials dealing with the mining sector

Boosting mining tax officials to new heights

The project

The mission is to organize and run a training seminar on mining taxation in Africa for government executives. The seminar was attended by participants from various countries. The main objective was to train finance ministry officials in charge of mining taxation, in order to enhance their skills and expertise in this specific field.

Our experts

2 Cayambe experts were involved in this project:

  • 1 mining tax expert
  • 1 legal expert

The 10-day project was managed by a project manager and a Public Finance technical director.

The actions

CAYAMBE’s intervention is in response to a customer’s request to provide planning and training for participants on the following topics:

  • Get an overview of the mining business: its rationale (why build a mine), how it works (materials, equipment, operating methods), its realities (CAPEX, OPEX, operating constraints, safety, etc.).
  • Get an overview of the main mining codes and their rationale, companies involved in exploration, the operator and associated rights (follow-up, environmental and societal constraints), which vary according to codes and countries
  • Understanding the fiscal and parafiscal regime applicable to the mining sector: what to tax and how much to tax to avoid destroying production
  • Understanding the different mining royalty regimes around the world
  • Know and understand the tax policies of mining companies (which countries to choose, how to deal with taxes on product flows, etc.).
  • Implement modern tax collection and recovery instruments (VAT, taxes, etc.)
  • A risk-based approach (what risks, what consequences for the contractor and the recipient)

Understand the tax implications of investment policies in the mining sector.