1 June 2023

Consulting: Cayambe focuses on independence and pragmatism

Current events are not favorable for consulting firms. But the tree hides the forest, obscuring the independence and pragmatism happily at work in the majority

Let's make no mistake: there are as many consulting methods as there are specialized companies

The media regularly discuss consulting firms in terms of the cost, inefficiency and even supposed uselessness of their services. A recent case was a blatant example of this, especially as the defense was unable to effectively counter the prosecution’s case. No one expected such a media outpouring.

It’s a pity, because such cases are likely to raise doubts in public opinion about the probity of the consulting sector. But let’s be fair: the wood for the trees. There are as many consulting methods as there are specialized companies. At Cayambe, we always come back to our initial DNA and this methodological guarantee: pragmatic expertise, independence and collective intelligence. Our approach hasn’t changed since we were founded in 2012, and its validity is even more apparent today. So if we are to avoid serious public disaffection, let’s never forget to bring real value to the running of our companies.